Saturday, March 25, 2017


I just got back from Iowa.  I had a doctor's appointment, but it was time to check out the project.

The iron work should be finished up at this point.  Ryan took a photo of the ramp in the living room - I sure love my iron!  Wish I would of learned to weld when I was younger!
Then Ryan took one looking down from the studio:
One thing I talked about originally were the stain glass windows and I wanted to explain I little more about them.  Churches use to have the stain glass windows and they would put what they called vents in the bottom where they would open them to let some air in.  The window usually pulled out from the top of the opening and what sometimes happened is that they would forget to close them and they would get lots of water issues and dirt coming in.  It is not unlikely to find wood rot on the old framing and termite damage.  SURPRISE!  No termite damage here and very little wood rot - since they are about 140 plus years old - it was in amazing shape.  Now stain glass windows are really designed to not have any separate glass on the outside or inside of them - they were just suppose to breathe.  But we all know that the breathing is no longer acceptable and with energy cost growing now days we put thermal pain on the outside of the windows.  That is what I did, but on several of them we redid the vent so that I can still get fresh air in.  Here is what they look like inside closed.
Then here is the same window with the shutterstyle open, notice if you can see that the window still has the theropane on the portion that opens.
Of course building codes now require that you must have egress from each bedroom and I was lucky enough that the vents in the windows gave me more than the amount of space required by law.  We did do them a little differently, but you can get safely out each bedroom if need be.  The first photo is of the closed window and then the second is with the egress open.

The stain glass company was the very first sub I hired, even before I hired Pete - they were the experts in town.  I loved the windows and didn't want to lose them.  Many times when churches sell the building they sell or take the stain glass windows with them.  I felt very fortunate to have them there and looking so fine!
Yodeling - yes yodeling.  Maybe it was because it was the first time that almost all the equipment was out of there - but it is a huge cavernous space and there is a lot of echoing.  Now - I don't know how to yodel, but I do quilt - so I'm not concerned.  As soon as I get all the soft fabrics in place - it will take care of that issue - but it was interesting that it took that look to surface!
I finally got the internet and satellite TV installed.  I told Cindy - now I can live there - who could live without internet and TV, I could, but I probably wouldn't want to!  The satellite guy who came said he had been in three other church homes, but that he liked my design the best - I would be curious to see how the rest of them did it!!!
Then the last topic the ELEPHANT!!!  I didn't even have to mention it and Ryan said something - so it is certainly an elephant!!  Alias - may I introduce the ELEPHANT!!
It's not exacly what I wanted for the guest bathroom vanity base - but it's what I got!    Of course the faucets aren't in yet.  Told Nancy it might only look like a baby elephant in the photo, but it's a full grown, adult size ELEPHANT.  Think we might have to call her Elle the Elephant!!!  Now Ryan and I feel that each time we see Elle that she seems shrink a little, not nearly fast enough - but I will have to pull out some great decorating ideas for Elle to make her look like she belongs.  Thank goodness the room is big enough to hold her.  So - if you come to visit - you will see Elle first hand.  Maybe this room is going to have to turn into a jungle theme - after all I already have the elephant!!!
So - that's it for this visit.  Next week Ryan is suppose to go in and take pics of the clean house right before "WE", Rev. D, Samson and I move in.  We move the weekend of April 8th.  We're all excited about it - really Rev D would prefer to live at Paw Prints Doggie Day care full time, but that's not an option.  Samson got to see the inside of the future home for the first time and he's feeling like he's going to lose that 1.8 extra pounds that mommy put on him.  Rev D and Samson will be checking out their new doggie door.  Stay tune - the saga continues!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

AND  THE  PROJECT  GOES ON..............................

Yes - the project goes on, just got back from Des Moines/Cumming last week.  This time some not so pleasant business, had to let one our contractors go, but their replacement is hired and starts this week.

Last time I left you with a little question.  How do you get a 8 pound dog and a 48 pound dog out the same doggie door.  Well, since then the 8 pound dog has gained weight and is now a 9.8 pound dog - but the problem is the same.  So - the answer:
The  answer is an automatic door.  We don't have power yet - but when we do the dogs will wear a little tag and as they get close to the door it will automatically raise up, they go through and it closes.  This stops a lot of drafts from the waving flaps of regular doors and will also stop any unwanted guests unless they have a little tag on them!  LOL  !!!  Pretty cool.  If you are interested in seeing it work you can go to High Tech Power Pet Door on youtube and watch a little video.  Pete is also making an additional little step for Sammy because he will need a little higher landing when he flies out of the door.  I can hardly wait to get it hooked up and give it a try.  So - we have already established that they are spoiled and now we are just waiting to see how much!!!
I took the cameraman with me the last time I was in town and we took a few photos.
Cathy had been asking me for more photos of my studio - so here you are:
This cameraman  is on the southeast side of the studio.  The stairs coming up are on the left side of the photo.  The door you see is for the little half bath upstairs and then the elevator is attached in that same area.  The studio space is almost 1300 square feet. HUGE!!!!  You can see my great lights - I will have lots of LED lighting and they are ganged up in rows, so I only have to have the ones on that I need.  As you come up the stairs you pass the bathroom area and then there will be a sitting area with a sleeper sofa for more overnighters, tv and then sewing, cutting and ironing tables along with the long arm machine on the other side.
This side of the studio is all work, those are closets in the back and the door in the center is for the elevator.  There is a separate mini split for upstairs in case I need more heat or AC.  The window on the back wall goes out to the bell tower - just sort of fun to see out!
This is the small half bath in the studio. No mirror yet and the plumbing is going to be changed out to chrome.  Yes I used another sewing machine base - just couldn't pass it up.  Sliding door, it's a small space, but all that is needed.
Don't think you ever got to see the new metal room - looks so nice and then there is the chain link fence for Rev D and Samson.  Yes there was some of that white stuff on the ground when I was there, but the next day it was 55 degrees.  I have a guy hired to blade out the driveway and shovel the walks and so far this winter he has only done it once - I hope he has another job because he's not making much shoveling snow!
While I was in Iowa the floors were just finished - they look beautiful.  They are not perfect and the guy who we hired was afraid I wouldn't be happy - but I was thrilled with them.  I told him that I wasn't looking for perfection.  I purchased an old 1880's church and I was looking for character - I think I got it.  You are looking at the area where the dinning table will be and those sliding doors go out to the patio, blinds in the doors so I can have my privacy at night!

The sliding barn doors behind the fireplace on each side are finished and look fabulous.  Doren is going to work his magic on the front entry doors also - I can hardly wait to see them!  The area behind the fireplace is an addition to the original church - I didn't know that when I purchased the church but we found it out later.  The floors in that area are a little darker because it's a different kind of wood - but they look equally beautiful!

Then last but definitely not least the iron is being installed - LOVE IT!!!!!  I think it brings out the shape of the windows and fireplace area, this is just the start of it - more going in this week. Here is another view from downstairs.
So - we need to get the electrician in there, maybe a couple weeks to finish up, the plumber has one sink to put in but he's waiting for the iron base, then comes the cleaning crew, one day and I'm ready to move it.  We are so close!!!  Won't be long, but I'm not making any plans until I get word that we are done.  I will try to take some photos before the move starts because after that - it's going to be boxes everywhere!!!  Let the fun begin - if you can call moving fun??!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

HAPPY  NEW  YEAR  2017!!!

Can you believe it's 2017?????  Can you believe that I haven't added any photos since October???  Me neither!!!

We are so close - yet so far from being done!!!  I've done this a couple times and I know it's hard to wrap things up - it's all that little stuff that kills you!

Pete told me two different visits that I could move in mid Dec.................but he lied!  I had scheduled the movers, getting things around and when I mentioned it again, he said WHOA!!!!!!  Better give it a couple weeks!  Well he was right!

I went up right before Christmas and even though there is a lot done - there is still more to do.

The roof is done by the Amish and it looks great, gutters were going on last week.  Interesting about the Amish.  They have a driver who brings them to work each day.  Now we all know they don't have electricity, but if you have electricial tools, then they are happy to use them.  They made quick work out of the roof and for some reason - Ryan never gets a photo of it - but he will!  Pete even took a photo of them working - just to prove it was them!

So - if you come in the front door and look straight ahead - here is the fireplace - complete with tile, guys came in last week and put the rocks and sticks inside the gas fireplace - so it's ready to go.  You will also notice the original lights back in place with new LED bulbs.  That was quite a job - but I found Adventures in Lighting and Paige - she is fabulous!  The old lights had a 500 watt bulb in the center and then 4 other small bulbs surrounding it - she found adaptors for everything and LED bulbs and now they are all dimmable and crisp white light - I'm over the top happy!    The lighting is so great!  Paige also suggested the fixture for up in the studio and if they are even half as wonderful as these - I will be able to see everything!!!!  Even Ryan was amazed at the lights.  He said he didn't like the fixtures originally but loves them now!  It really gives lots of light and it's really white colored!!
Still need a top on the fireplace column - but it's close to done!

The painting is mostly done, a few days of touch ups and oversprays!  The new HVAC - Geo Thermal is working and plumbing is going in!
The kitchen is getting the sconces and then two more of the smaller original church lights will go over the island.  Really thought I was going to need the scounces - but with all the light that Paige gave me - I'm not thinking I need them as much - but they will create atmosphere!  All the appliances are on property but we're waiting for the floors, they started right before Christmas, so should be done soon.  The granite is in place, but covered up for now!
 Here is a photo of the library on the opposite side of the entry hallway.  A repeat of the sconces!
Then remember that behind the fireplace is what will be the future family room with an option of moving the dining room up there.  But on both sides of that are barn doors and then the room on the left will be my office with small entry area from the garage and the area on right will be the dog area - more about that in future - but you can be thinking about - how do you get an 8 pound dog and a 50 pound door out the same doggie door.  I've got the answer and it will amaze you - I'm just hoping it will work as advertised!
Here are the barn doors, waiting for staining.  We brought in the expert and a good friend of Pete's to do the barn doors, the elevator interior, touch up the front antique doors and the two cherry bedroom doors.  I ok'ed the sample for the barn door while I was there and he's ready to go.  They are going to be spectacular!!  The opening is looking into the dog area then exits to the fenced in back yard - done as we speak.
So then in the photo you see the iron work - it's my sample from the iron dude and I love it - it's a go!
All the iron will be the same throughout the church/home and will be powdered coated satin black - it's just what I drew up and it's going to be a wonderful accent.  The iron dude is also making the pedestal for the sink in the guest bedroom!!!  I do like my iron work!
So we past by the bedrooms as we came in - but I have to show you the master bedroom wall.
I love it!  Saw it on Fixer Upper, along with the design for the iron railing and knew I wanted them both!!  My antique bed that my folks gave to me will go in front of it!  I think it will look great!
So - a photo of the master bathroom.  Sort of a hard thing to photograph - but I will try to explain.
Ryan is standing where the toilet is and then to the left is the roll in shower.  I was going to have this fancy tub in front of one of stain glass window - but it ended up being too wide - especially if I wanted the shower to be wheel chair accessible - so I backed up and put in a walk in tub - I think it's going to be great!  With the rheumatory arthritis that I have developed over the last year - it's hard to get in and out of a tub - so it's not fancy - but I bet it will be used more.  Straight ahead are the two sinks and storage on the right.  The tile is done - but it's dirty - very neutral color!  We have really crowded a lot into the space - but I think it's going to be nice!
The guest bathroom has the shower done. It's a hard photo to take.  Right behind the shower is a closet for my seasonal quilts.  The black cabinet is for storage and then the part you can't see is the toilet area, sink and then another door going to storage under the stairway to the studio.  It's a really nice size space!
So - there you have it.  I'm not scheduling any movers until it's done.  Satellite and internet are being installed this week and then Jan. 16th the furniture is being delivered.  Rug, couple couches, chairs, recliners.  With things I have in Eureka - the home to be fully furnished!
It's not the perfect situation to move to Iowa in the middle of winter - but maybe we will be lucky and they will have an easy winter like last year.  I'm just anxious to get into my new place!  While I was up there I went and visited a doggie day care for Denver - it's only about 4 miles from me and really nice.  Now it doesn have the wonderful gals who run Paw Prints, Pat and Bev - but I guess I can't take them with me!  Denver will have lots of new big friends and Sammy can go there and run with the big dogs anything he wants to!
Turns out that Cumming is the ideal location.  When we get settled - I will be visiting several nursing homes for the elf (mom).  She still doesn't know that we are moving because she would be ready to go tomorrow!  Moving her will be a bit of a challenge - but I'm hoping to get that done within 45 days after I have moved up there.  Put that on your pray list!


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

OK!  OK!!  OK!!!!  I HEAR YOU!!!!!

People keep asking - what's happening???  You need to update the blog - ok - I get it, I hear you and here you are!!!

I know you think I have been just sitting around eating bom boms, but I haven't and even if I was, Pete and his amazing crew has been hard at work up at the church!!!  ( God bless Pete and his amazing crew!)  I tell Pete what I want and it happens and even if I don't tel him what I want - sometimes he just reads my mind and makes it happen!!!  Amazing!

So - at last post we had a garage up.  The garage is still up, but alias, a garage door!!!
  And a driveway.  Pete said - do you want a narrow drive way???  The answer was "NO" - double and I got it and it's wonderful, that way backing out in that Iowa snow, I don't have worry so much, besides that, I'm not a very good backer upper!! 

So - you might have noticed that the end of the church looks a little bad - well the church originally had the wood siding, but before I purchased it they had put steel siding on the church.  Of course we had to take it off in some sections to add the garage, the side door, etc.  So we (really Pete) found some siding that matches really well and he will use the old siding to replace spots on the church building and then the new siding on the garage.  After one year of Iowa weather - you will never know the difference.

Now un-noticeable is that we have a new electric pole and wires running underground to the church.  Thank you Mr. Electric Company!!!

Then I showed you inside where we were going to have a door to the outside and lookie what has happened:

It's like magic - a door appears.  One of those great Pella ones with the little blinds inside - so I can have my privacy!!  Across the street - in another church (the little church) and parsonage - so pretty quiet already!  

But one of exciting things happening is that there are going to be more homes built and what the town has decided to do is to put up a 20-30 berm and close the streets - so that all the new houses will have to use their own roads!!  YEA!!!!  So - it will be like living on a dead end street!!  Love that.  So "old town" is separated from the new part of town!!  I like being in old town, hence - the church, among other reasons!!

So - let me explain the porch.  Looks small???  It did at first to me, but that is an eight foot door and we put a roof over part of it - which I will probably screen in down the road, depending on how much I use it. We were a little limited because of the windows - but it's a huge porch and I think I will love it!

Since my last post, I have added a little rescue Yorkie, Sammy to the Pease family.  His official name is Samson (you knew it had to be something Biblical), named after the King who was known for his long hair and he was brave and strong.  Sammy was a puppy mill dog, 6 years old and his hair was so long, they didn't even see him in the kennel and when the rescuers were about to leave he made a little noise and they went and saved him.  He and the Rev D are the best bros.  Now the only reason I bring this up is because I will be putting up a chain link fence, around the side of the church you are seeing now and then the back side separately - so the boys will have places to run.  There will be lots of fun happening inside that fence area!

Inside - here is what the door looks like!  It will be great for a grill outside or just sitting visiting with friends and neighbors!

More happenings inside:
The kitchen cabinets are going in.  Cherry distressed and then the island is a black distressed - I haven't seen them yet and can hardly wait.  The space on the right side is for the French door refrigerator and the sink is on the back wall.  You will see the kitchen come together over the next few weeks!!!

Then on the other side of the gallery hallway is the bookcase:
More will be added to this - but it's a good start.  Distressed cherry also.  Good storage!!!  Can't have enough of it!

So if you stand up my fireplace and look back toward the entrance, here is what you will see:

You might also notice that the original fir floors have been sanded down and when I go up next week, we will be looking at finishes.  To stain or not to stain will be the question.  Also I have choosen to use a matte finish - ok - so I like things a little different!  Here is another view of those floors:
That's the wheelchair ramp on the right side - iron railing will be coming soon!

So - it's all about painting walls and trim, sanding and finishing the floors and as of this morning, a new metal roof!  The Amish have been hired to put on the metal roof.  I'm all excited about it.  It's going to look like a new place!!!  Some of the priming has been started on the walls, now they have special paint that has a elastic type finish and it moves with the walls - great for plaster and my painter knew all about it - how neat is that???  Once the painting and floors are done - what a difference it will be!!!

So - I'm headed up there next week to see what is happening and I'm meeting with one of the furniture store interior designers and we are going to look for a couple new couches and maybe chairs and rugs.  That way I can get them ordered and they might be here by the time the place is done.

To say I can hardly wait would be an understatement!!!  I dread the idea of packing up the RoundHouse and unpacking, but I'm excited about the church and being close to my son!  I will certainly miss my friends, but I'm looking forward to quilt stores and yarn shops close by and meeting new people!!!

So - probably too wordy!!!!  Sorry about that!  Next photos when the roof is finished - won't be long!  I have even asked Pete to take a photo of the Amish at work on the roof.  I know they don't like their pictures taken, but it's a got to see!!!

So - the last photo is of my reclaimed frong entrance doors - they are going to be really cool!  Until next time!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mom - your garage is bigger than my townhouse!!!!

I've been home for almost two weeks - so nice to be in one place for longer than a week at a time - but I'm heading back to the promise land next week.

This week has been filled with Ryan putting a bid on a townhouse, inspection and if all goes well, closing the end of August!  So - he had a little time to spare and he whipped out to the job site.  Now - first let me show you a photo to remind you what we started with!

My cute little church from the back.  Pretty plain, but wait!!!  It all started here.

A large slab of cement - yes that's going to be an attached garage.  One of the things on my want list when I was moving to Iowa was an attached garage - you know they have snow there.....I should say SNOW!!!!!!  So it's going to be a 2 car plus garage with an upper floor for storage, but I could finish it out for a renter or caretaker - but storage is what I need now.  The church has lots of usable space inside - but I need storage - hence.....

the call from Ryan, Mom - your garage is bigger than my condo.......!!!!!!   I laughed - but he's probably right.  The second photo shows the upstairs area (storage center).  I can hardly wait to see it!! 
Then while I'm up there - if you look close - you can see that there is another slab coming out between the 4th and 5th stain glass windows....that is where there will be a screened in patio.  Won't be long - I just have to order the door!  Hello - Mr. Pella man!!??
So - the guys are working and oh - look - the fireplace has some insulated boards around it - so you can get a better idea of what it will look like!
So - there you have it.  The little church will soon have new occupants, a large white dog and an little old round lady.  There's more to come - so stay tune!!

SUBS - love them or hate them - got to have them!!!

So - you are probably thinking that nothing is happening up north - but you would be wrong!!!  The subs for plumbing and electric are in and as of a little over a week ago - all inspections are passed and we are ready for sheet rock....but not so fast!

When I was up there, Ryan and I went through and took photos of the walls between rooms.

Now - my son things I crazy - but alias we have already established that, but this was a trick that Jon taught me about.  It's always smart to take photos of all the walls before the sheet rock goes up - then for future reference if you ever need to know what is in that wall - you have it!!!  I even got fancy and labeled each photo.  Believe it not I have used it several times at the RoundHouse - so thought it would be smart to do it again!
So with that done - it won't be long before the sheet rock goes up!!
BUT.....let's talk about doors.  Remember I have vestibule.  Set of outside glass doors and then another set of inside glass doors. 
I'm going to keep the outside doors, but I want to change out the inside doors.  I looked around and finally Pete my contractor sent me to the Pella man.  Of course Pella windows and door are made in Iowa and let's say that they are pretty proud of that factor.  I picked out the profile I wanted, a single door with a couple sidelights, vinyl covered - for the weather up there and all they wanted was $3000-4000 dollars!!!  Vinyl looked like crap so then we are looking at wood and price didn't really change much!!!  Happy I wasn't!!!
Enter - a gentleman who was interested in giving a bid on painting and floor refinishing and he told me about Mike the not famous salvage man.  We have West End Salvage - HGTV stars - in Des Moines and prices reflect their stardom.  But Mike is on a much small scale and he has the cutest little white fluffy white dog, Earl!  Off to meet Mike I went and looked around, saw several door I thought would work and then......Oh My Goodness.....baseboard and door trim - be still my heart!!!  I left and promised to send Pete back so he could see all.  Then when I came back to town in a couple weeks we both went down to see Mike and Earl.  3 doors, enough baseboard for the downstairs except one bedroom, some door trim and a couple hours - we were out of there, promising that we would keep in touch, because he is always finding more.  Two of the doors were my new front door - they are 9 foot tall and Pete is going to install them and give me another transom - I'm a happy girl!!!  Doors are beautiful - but I'm even more over the top on the baseboards!!!   YA-HOO!!!  Photos will follow when they get installed!!!
Successful trip!!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Got to love Stain Glass windows!!!

I remember when I first went by the church - before I ever even saw the inside - I saw those stain glass windows - I couldn't believe my eyes!!!

When Jon and I lived in Dallas, David and I took some stain glass classes.  I got a whole new appreciation for making stain glass, I think that is why I'm a quilter now.  It's much easier on the hands!!  But I have always loved stain glass and we have had some stain glass in almost every home we have lived in.  Right now I have it in a couple windows underneath the bridge to the front door.  The windows are in my master bathroom.  I thought they were pretty until I saw these!
There are 12 huge windows that go down the sides of the church and then more in the entry way and one in the bell tower.  I have spent a fortune getting them cleaned up and ready for another 100 plus years. 

We have added thermopane windows to the outside - for energy savings.  Also you can't see on this one but there are what they call "vents" on the bottom of the windows.  These open up for ventiliation.  I have decided to have 5 of the windows open and there will be a screen on the outside so we won't have any unwanted guests.  Then there are building requirements that you must have an egress from every bedroom in case of fire. So two windows, one in each bedroom, open as an escape.  We were so lucky because the vents were large enough for the building codes!!!
Windows are almost done,  In the bell tower we will have a light shining on the window so that I can turn it on at night and you will be able to see it lit outside and you will be able to see it from inside also. 
So  that brings you up to date at this point.  Subs are in right now including HVAC (Geo Thermal heating cooling), plumbing is being roughed in, electrical is being stubbed in and septic and water has already been brought in. The garage foundation was poured last week along with part of the patio and the guys will start up on the garage mid week.  Won't be long and we will be sheetrocking (that's the royal "we" because we all know I'm not going to do it!  But stay tune - it's happening in Cumming, Iowa!  Grass is green and the little church looks so beautiful surrounded by all that color!!!