Saturday, February 18, 2017

AND  THE  PROJECT  GOES ON..............................

Yes - the project goes on, just got back from Des Moines/Cumming last week.  This time some not so pleasant business, had to let one our contractors go, but their replacement is hired and starts this week.

Last time I left you with a little question.  How do you get a 8 pound dog and a 48 pound dog out the same doggie door.  Well, since then the 8 pound dog has gained weight and is now a 9.8 pound dog - but the problem is the same.  So - the answer:
The  answer is an automatic door.  We don't have power yet - but when we do the dogs will wear a little tag and as they get close to the door it will automatically raise up, they go through and it closes.  This stops a lot of drafts from the waving flaps of regular doors and will also stop any unwanted guests unless they have a little tag on them!  LOL  !!!  Pretty cool.  If you are interested in seeing it work you can go to High Tech Power Pet Door on youtube and watch a little video.  Pete is also making an additional little step for Sammy because he will need a little higher landing when he flies out of the door.  I can hardly wait to get it hooked up and give it a try.  So - we have already established that they are spoiled and now we are just waiting to see how much!!!
I took the cameraman with me the last time I was in town and we took a few photos.
Cathy had been asking me for more photos of my studio - so here you are:
This cameraman  is on the southeast side of the studio.  The stairs coming up are on the left side of the photo.  The door you see is for the little half bath upstairs and then the elevator is attached in that same area.  The studio space is almost 1300 square feet. HUGE!!!!  You can see my great lights - I will have lots of LED lighting and they are ganged up in rows, so I only have to have the ones on that I need.  As you come up the stairs you pass the bathroom area and then there will be a sitting area with a sleeper sofa for more overnighters, tv and then sewing, cutting and ironing tables along with the long arm machine on the other side.
This side of the studio is all work, those are closets in the back and the door in the center is for the elevator.  There is a separate mini split for upstairs in case I need more heat or AC.  The window on the back wall goes out to the bell tower - just sort of fun to see out!
This is the small half bath in the studio. No mirror yet and the plumbing is going to be changed out to chrome.  Yes I used another sewing machine base - just couldn't pass it up.  Sliding door, it's a small space, but all that is needed.
Don't think you ever got to see the new metal room - looks so nice and then there is the chain link fence for Rev D and Samson.  Yes there was some of that white stuff on the ground when I was there, but the next day it was 55 degrees.  I have a guy hired to blade out the driveway and shovel the walks and so far this winter he has only done it once - I hope he has another job because he's not making much shoveling snow!
While I was in Iowa the floors were just finished - they look beautiful.  They are not perfect and the guy who we hired was afraid I wouldn't be happy - but I was thrilled with them.  I told him that I wasn't looking for perfection.  I purchased an old 1880's church and I was looking for character - I think I got it.  You are looking at the area where the dinning table will be and those sliding doors go out to the patio, blinds in the doors so I can have my privacy at night!

The sliding barn doors behind the fireplace on each side are finished and look fabulous.  Doren is going to work his magic on the front entry doors also - I can hardly wait to see them!  The area behind the fireplace is an addition to the original church - I didn't know that when I purchased the church but we found it out later.  The floors in that area are a little darker because it's a different kind of wood - but they look equally beautiful!

Then last but definitely not least the iron is being installed - LOVE IT!!!!!  I think it brings out the shape of the windows and fireplace area, this is just the start of it - more going in this week. Here is another view from downstairs.
So - we need to get the electrician in there, maybe a couple weeks to finish up, the plumber has one sink to put in but he's waiting for the iron base, then comes the cleaning crew, one day and I'm ready to move it.  We are so close!!!  Won't be long, but I'm not making any plans until I get word that we are done.  I will try to take some photos before the move starts because after that - it's going to be boxes everywhere!!!  Let the fun begin - if you can call moving fun??!!!

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