Sunday, January 1, 2017

HAPPY  NEW  YEAR  2017!!!

Can you believe it's 2017?????  Can you believe that I haven't added any photos since October???  Me neither!!!

We are so close - yet so far from being done!!!  I've done this a couple times and I know it's hard to wrap things up - it's all that little stuff that kills you!

Pete told me two different visits that I could move in mid Dec.................but he lied!  I had scheduled the movers, getting things around and when I mentioned it again, he said WHOA!!!!!!  Better give it a couple weeks!  Well he was right!

I went up right before Christmas and even though there is a lot done - there is still more to do.

The roof is done by the Amish and it looks great, gutters were going on last week.  Interesting about the Amish.  They have a driver who brings them to work each day.  Now we all know they don't have electricity, but if you have electricial tools, then they are happy to use them.  They made quick work out of the roof and for some reason - Ryan never gets a photo of it - but he will!  Pete even took a photo of them working - just to prove it was them!

So - if you come in the front door and look straight ahead - here is the fireplace - complete with tile, guys came in last week and put the rocks and sticks inside the gas fireplace - so it's ready to go.  You will also notice the original lights back in place with new LED bulbs.  That was quite a job - but I found Adventures in Lighting and Paige - she is fabulous!  The old lights had a 500 watt bulb in the center and then 4 other small bulbs surrounding it - she found adaptors for everything and LED bulbs and now they are all dimmable and crisp white light - I'm over the top happy!    The lighting is so great!  Paige also suggested the fixture for up in the studio and if they are even half as wonderful as these - I will be able to see everything!!!!  Even Ryan was amazed at the lights.  He said he didn't like the fixtures originally but loves them now!  It really gives lots of light and it's really white colored!!
Still need a top on the fireplace column - but it's close to done!

The painting is mostly done, a few days of touch ups and oversprays!  The new HVAC - Geo Thermal is working and plumbing is going in!
The kitchen is getting the sconces and then two more of the smaller original church lights will go over the island.  Really thought I was going to need the scounces - but with all the light that Paige gave me - I'm not thinking I need them as much - but they will create atmosphere!  All the appliances are on property but we're waiting for the floors, they started right before Christmas, so should be done soon.  The granite is in place, but covered up for now!
 Here is a photo of the library on the opposite side of the entry hallway.  A repeat of the sconces!
Then remember that behind the fireplace is what will be the future family room with an option of moving the dining room up there.  But on both sides of that are barn doors and then the room on the left will be my office with small entry area from the garage and the area on right will be the dog area - more about that in future - but you can be thinking about - how do you get an 8 pound dog and a 50 pound door out the same doggie door.  I've got the answer and it will amaze you - I'm just hoping it will work as advertised!
Here are the barn doors, waiting for staining.  We brought in the expert and a good friend of Pete's to do the barn doors, the elevator interior, touch up the front antique doors and the two cherry bedroom doors.  I ok'ed the sample for the barn door while I was there and he's ready to go.  They are going to be spectacular!!  The opening is looking into the dog area then exits to the fenced in back yard - done as we speak.
So then in the photo you see the iron work - it's my sample from the iron dude and I love it - it's a go!
All the iron will be the same throughout the church/home and will be powdered coated satin black - it's just what I drew up and it's going to be a wonderful accent.  The iron dude is also making the pedestal for the sink in the guest bedroom!!!  I do like my iron work!
So we past by the bedrooms as we came in - but I have to show you the master bedroom wall.
I love it!  Saw it on Fixer Upper, along with the design for the iron railing and knew I wanted them both!!  My antique bed that my folks gave to me will go in front of it!  I think it will look great!
So - a photo of the master bathroom.  Sort of a hard thing to photograph - but I will try to explain.
Ryan is standing where the toilet is and then to the left is the roll in shower.  I was going to have this fancy tub in front of one of stain glass window - but it ended up being too wide - especially if I wanted the shower to be wheel chair accessible - so I backed up and put in a walk in tub - I think it's going to be great!  With the rheumatory arthritis that I have developed over the last year - it's hard to get in and out of a tub - so it's not fancy - but I bet it will be used more.  Straight ahead are the two sinks and storage on the right.  The tile is done - but it's dirty - very neutral color!  We have really crowded a lot into the space - but I think it's going to be nice!
The guest bathroom has the shower done. It's a hard photo to take.  Right behind the shower is a closet for my seasonal quilts.  The black cabinet is for storage and then the part you can't see is the toilet area, sink and then another door going to storage under the stairway to the studio.  It's a really nice size space!
So - there you have it.  I'm not scheduling any movers until it's done.  Satellite and internet are being installed this week and then Jan. 16th the furniture is being delivered.  Rug, couple couches, chairs, recliners.  With things I have in Eureka - the home to be fully furnished!
It's not the perfect situation to move to Iowa in the middle of winter - but maybe we will be lucky and they will have an easy winter like last year.  I'm just anxious to get into my new place!  While I was up there I went and visited a doggie day care for Denver - it's only about 4 miles from me and really nice.  Now it doesn have the wonderful gals who run Paw Prints, Pat and Bev - but I guess I can't take them with me!  Denver will have lots of new big friends and Sammy can go there and run with the big dogs anything he wants to!
Turns out that Cumming is the ideal location.  When we get settled - I will be visiting several nursing homes for the elf (mom).  She still doesn't know that we are moving because she would be ready to go tomorrow!  Moving her will be a bit of a challenge - but I'm hoping to get that done within 45 days after I have moved up there.  Put that on your pray list!


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