Wednesday, October 12, 2016

OK!  OK!!  OK!!!!  I HEAR YOU!!!!!

People keep asking - what's happening???  You need to update the blog - ok - I get it, I hear you and here you are!!!

I know you think I have been just sitting around eating bom boms, but I haven't and even if I was, Pete and his amazing crew has been hard at work up at the church!!!  ( God bless Pete and his amazing crew!)  I tell Pete what I want and it happens and even if I don't tel him what I want - sometimes he just reads my mind and makes it happen!!!  Amazing!

So - at last post we had a garage up.  The garage is still up, but alias, a garage door!!!
  And a driveway.  Pete said - do you want a narrow drive way???  The answer was "NO" - double and I got it and it's wonderful, that way backing out in that Iowa snow, I don't have worry so much, besides that, I'm not a very good backer upper!! 

So - you might have noticed that the end of the church looks a little bad - well the church originally had the wood siding, but before I purchased it they had put steel siding on the church.  Of course we had to take it off in some sections to add the garage, the side door, etc.  So we (really Pete) found some siding that matches really well and he will use the old siding to replace spots on the church building and then the new siding on the garage.  After one year of Iowa weather - you will never know the difference.

Now un-noticeable is that we have a new electric pole and wires running underground to the church.  Thank you Mr. Electric Company!!!

Then I showed you inside where we were going to have a door to the outside and lookie what has happened:

It's like magic - a door appears.  One of those great Pella ones with the little blinds inside - so I can have my privacy!!  Across the street - in another church (the little church) and parsonage - so pretty quiet already!  

But one of exciting things happening is that there are going to be more homes built and what the town has decided to do is to put up a 20-30 berm and close the streets - so that all the new houses will have to use their own roads!!  YEA!!!!  So - it will be like living on a dead end street!!  Love that.  So "old town" is separated from the new part of town!!  I like being in old town, hence - the church, among other reasons!!

So - let me explain the porch.  Looks small???  It did at first to me, but that is an eight foot door and we put a roof over part of it - which I will probably screen in down the road, depending on how much I use it. We were a little limited because of the windows - but it's a huge porch and I think I will love it!

Since my last post, I have added a little rescue Yorkie, Sammy to the Pease family.  His official name is Samson (you knew it had to be something Biblical), named after the King who was known for his long hair and he was brave and strong.  Sammy was a puppy mill dog, 6 years old and his hair was so long, they didn't even see him in the kennel and when the rescuers were about to leave he made a little noise and they went and saved him.  He and the Rev D are the best bros.  Now the only reason I bring this up is because I will be putting up a chain link fence, around the side of the church you are seeing now and then the back side separately - so the boys will have places to run.  There will be lots of fun happening inside that fence area!

Inside - here is what the door looks like!  It will be great for a grill outside or just sitting visiting with friends and neighbors!

More happenings inside:
The kitchen cabinets are going in.  Cherry distressed and then the island is a black distressed - I haven't seen them yet and can hardly wait.  The space on the right side is for the French door refrigerator and the sink is on the back wall.  You will see the kitchen come together over the next few weeks!!!

Then on the other side of the gallery hallway is the bookcase:
More will be added to this - but it's a good start.  Distressed cherry also.  Good storage!!!  Can't have enough of it!

So if you stand up my fireplace and look back toward the entrance, here is what you will see:

You might also notice that the original fir floors have been sanded down and when I go up next week, we will be looking at finishes.  To stain or not to stain will be the question.  Also I have choosen to use a matte finish - ok - so I like things a little different!  Here is another view of those floors:
That's the wheelchair ramp on the right side - iron railing will be coming soon!

So - it's all about painting walls and trim, sanding and finishing the floors and as of this morning, a new metal roof!  The Amish have been hired to put on the metal roof.  I'm all excited about it.  It's going to look like a new place!!!  Some of the priming has been started on the walls, now they have special paint that has a elastic type finish and it moves with the walls - great for plaster and my painter knew all about it - how neat is that???  Once the painting and floors are done - what a difference it will be!!!

So - I'm headed up there next week to see what is happening and I'm meeting with one of the furniture store interior designers and we are going to look for a couple new couches and maybe chairs and rugs.  That way I can get them ordered and they might be here by the time the place is done.

To say I can hardly wait would be an understatement!!!  I dread the idea of packing up the RoundHouse and unpacking, but I'm excited about the church and being close to my son!  I will certainly miss my friends, but I'm looking forward to quilt stores and yarn shops close by and meeting new people!!!

So - probably too wordy!!!!  Sorry about that!  Next photos when the roof is finished - won't be long!  I have even asked Pete to take a photo of the Amish at work on the roof.  I know they don't like their pictures taken, but it's a got to see!!!

So - the last photo is of my reclaimed frong entrance doors - they are going to be really cool!  Until next time!

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