Sunday, June 12, 2016

Got to love Stain Glass windows!!!

I remember when I first went by the church - before I ever even saw the inside - I saw those stain glass windows - I couldn't believe my eyes!!!

When Jon and I lived in Dallas, David and I took some stain glass classes.  I got a whole new appreciation for making stain glass, I think that is why I'm a quilter now.  It's much easier on the hands!!  But I have always loved stain glass and we have had some stain glass in almost every home we have lived in.  Right now I have it in a couple windows underneath the bridge to the front door.  The windows are in my master bathroom.  I thought they were pretty until I saw these!
There are 12 huge windows that go down the sides of the church and then more in the entry way and one in the bell tower.  I have spent a fortune getting them cleaned up and ready for another 100 plus years. 

We have added thermopane windows to the outside - for energy savings.  Also you can't see on this one but there are what they call "vents" on the bottom of the windows.  These open up for ventiliation.  I have decided to have 5 of the windows open and there will be a screen on the outside so we won't have any unwanted guests.  Then there are building requirements that you must have an egress from every bedroom in case of fire. So two windows, one in each bedroom, open as an escape.  We were so lucky because the vents were large enough for the building codes!!!
Windows are almost done,  In the bell tower we will have a light shining on the window so that I can turn it on at night and you will be able to see it lit outside and you will be able to see it from inside also. 
So  that brings you up to date at this point.  Subs are in right now including HVAC (Geo Thermal heating cooling), plumbing is being roughed in, electrical is being stubbed in and septic and water has already been brought in. The garage foundation was poured last week along with part of the patio and the guys will start up on the garage mid week.  Won't be long and we will be sheetrocking (that's the royal "we" because we all know I'm not going to do it!  But stay tune - it's happening in Cumming, Iowa!  Grass is green and the little church looks so beautiful surrounded by all that color!!!




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