Sunday, June 12, 2016

It will be a fireplace - won't it?????

So - what I have wanted in the RoundHouse is a fireplace - but there just isn't room for it - so the
church is getting a fireplace.  We pushed the fireplace location all over the place and finally ended up with it right in front of the podium.  It will be doublesided.  See what I mean??
So - here's the idea.  It's really going to be 60 inches across and maybe about 13 inches high, gas of course.  It will be covered in tile or stone - that decision hasn't been made yet.  Then it is vented out the right side wood piece that goes into the wall - the other side is just to match the look.  In the originaly design the top pieces were shown as dark wood and the body of the fireplace was shown in a beige. I was talking with the cabinet gal - she said - Twyla - did you realize that it's a cross?????   No....but it is - so at this point I don't know how we will address those wood pieces going to the wall - so you will have to stay tune for that.  Here is another photo as you come in from the gallery hall.
And finally a photo from my studio.
It's hard to tell in this photo but there are a couple steps to the left of the fireplace and on the right side there is a ramp.  Wheelchair and wagon accessible.  They will both be covered with fir to match the floor and some iron railing.  The fireplace will be in any day - but we have decided to wait to install until a few more things are done!

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