Saturday, March 25, 2017


I just got back from Iowa.  I had a doctor's appointment, but it was time to check out the project.

The iron work should be finished up at this point.  Ryan took a photo of the ramp in the living room - I sure love my iron!  Wish I would of learned to weld when I was younger!
Then Ryan took one looking down from the studio:
One thing I talked about originally were the stain glass windows and I wanted to explain I little more about them.  Churches use to have the stain glass windows and they would put what they called vents in the bottom where they would open them to let some air in.  The window usually pulled out from the top of the opening and what sometimes happened is that they would forget to close them and they would get lots of water issues and dirt coming in.  It is not unlikely to find wood rot on the old framing and termite damage.  SURPRISE!  No termite damage here and very little wood rot - since they are about 140 plus years old - it was in amazing shape.  Now stain glass windows are really designed to not have any separate glass on the outside or inside of them - they were just suppose to breathe.  But we all know that the breathing is no longer acceptable and with energy cost growing now days we put thermal pain on the outside of the windows.  That is what I did, but on several of them we redid the vent so that I can still get fresh air in.  Here is what they look like inside closed.
Then here is the same window with the shutterstyle open, notice if you can see that the window still has the theropane on the portion that opens.
Of course building codes now require that you must have egress from each bedroom and I was lucky enough that the vents in the windows gave me more than the amount of space required by law.  We did do them a little differently, but you can get safely out each bedroom if need be.  The first photo is of the closed window and then the second is with the egress open.

The stain glass company was the very first sub I hired, even before I hired Pete - they were the experts in town.  I loved the windows and didn't want to lose them.  Many times when churches sell the building they sell or take the stain glass windows with them.  I felt very fortunate to have them there and looking so fine!
Yodeling - yes yodeling.  Maybe it was because it was the first time that almost all the equipment was out of there - but it is a huge cavernous space and there is a lot of echoing.  Now - I don't know how to yodel, but I do quilt - so I'm not concerned.  As soon as I get all the soft fabrics in place - it will take care of that issue - but it was interesting that it took that look to surface!
I finally got the internet and satellite TV installed.  I told Cindy - now I can live there - who could live without internet and TV, I could, but I probably wouldn't want to!  The satellite guy who came said he had been in three other church homes, but that he liked my design the best - I would be curious to see how the rest of them did it!!!
Then the last topic the ELEPHANT!!!  I didn't even have to mention it and Ryan said something - so it is certainly an elephant!!  Alias - may I introduce the ELEPHANT!!
It's not exacly what I wanted for the guest bathroom vanity base - but it's what I got!    Of course the faucets aren't in yet.  Told Nancy it might only look like a baby elephant in the photo, but it's a full grown, adult size ELEPHANT.  Think we might have to call her Elle the Elephant!!!  Now Ryan and I feel that each time we see Elle that she seems shrink a little, not nearly fast enough - but I will have to pull out some great decorating ideas for Elle to make her look like she belongs.  Thank goodness the room is big enough to hold her.  So - if you come to visit - you will see Elle first hand.  Maybe this room is going to have to turn into a jungle theme - after all I already have the elephant!!!
So - that's it for this visit.  Next week Ryan is suppose to go in and take pics of the clean house right before "WE", Rev. D, Samson and I move in.  We move the weekend of April 8th.  We're all excited about it - really Rev D would prefer to live at Paw Prints Doggie Day care full time, but that's not an option.  Samson got to see the inside of the future home for the first time and he's feeling like he's going to lose that 1.8 extra pounds that mommy put on him.  Rev D and Samson will be checking out their new doggie door.  Stay tune - the saga continues!